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oh saturday night.

Since my Saturday night (following work) consisted of a trip to Duane Reade to purchase ant traps as well as the latest edition of Life and Style...

I'm thinking match.com doesn't seem like such a bad idea.


Because I don't want to end up as a cat lady. And the pervading feeling among my family members...

is that I just might.

PS: thanks for all the tips about the ants...I'll keep you posted on the success of the drugstore-brand traps!

image via fffound


Diana said...

in the next few years when someone says they met someone at a coffeehouse or through a friend, that will *not* be the norm.

If it makes you feel any better, I met my husband on a really embarrassing site :P and i only signed up to help a friend get more time for free on the site haha

Christie said...

the same pervanding feeling afflicts my family members as well.

Is single at 23 really so wrong? I'm beginning to think that there's something wrong with me.

I feel your pain. And match.com might be in my future as well.

RatalieNose said...

I hate cats.
I'd be extremely unhappy to end up as a Crazy Cat Lady.

Just remember this:
Guys are like port-o-potties:
The good ones are taken and the rest are full of crap.

And this:
Guys are like parking spaces, the good ones are taken and the rest are Handicapped.

Courtney said...

When I was a little girl I thought I would get married when I was 23. But seeing as how that's 10 months away and I've never had a serious boyfriend, I don't see it happening. Which I'd like to say I'm okay with, but I get cat lady jokes at the family table too. And my grandma keeps reminding me that she was married when she was 18. And every woman in my family and my best friends are already married. I feel your pain.

aah the life of a single girl. Don't worry though, our front stoop day will come. Eventually. And hopefully without the help of match.com : )

CC. said...

ok, im all for match.com. you should it. my friends have been having so much fun, go on tons of dates, get treated so nice, flowers, dinners, shows, operas, it sounds wonderful.

check this new blog

faryle said...

Glad to see I'm not the only who has to endure the endless "Crazy Cat Lady" jokes.

I don't even like cats.

Some Korean Website Highjacker said...

Hey lades,
I found your blog from Naomi's and really enjoy it alot! I had to comment here because this is something (as Oprah says) I know for sure...Dating outside of the box marked normal is sometimes very good! Thing is I met my guy (together now over 3 years)on a site similar to match and he is much more than I ever dreamed! I had been choosing for myself a repeated pattern of bad men or well just not the right man for me over and over. Online is different because it doesn't let your senses get in the way too soon (we chatted for over 2 months before meeting, I am super cautious) so therefore we really got to know each other and talked, webcamed every night, etc. Moral is: I would have never paid attention to him if I met him like at a bar or on the street, just wasn't "my type" but now I couldn't imagine a day I could have thought those thoughts. He is IT! Besides you are sooo young, you will never be a cat lady, are you kidding??!!
i heart =^..^='s!

Aline said...

keep us posted about your match.com experience!

Thao said...

You're too pretty and interesting to end up as a crazy cat lady! But I adore cats, so it doesn't seem such a terrible fate to me ... :)

iheartkiwi said...

if it helps i am going to a match.com wedding in just a few weeks! they are an adorable couple and totally meant for each other.... finding love is funny sometimes.

Lisa's Yarns said...

I found your blog through Rockstar Diaries. Had to comment on this post. I also have gotten the cat lady joke as well. I'm 28 and single, with no potentials on the horizon. It used to bother me, but lately I've felt sort of ambivalent about dating...

If you try match - good luck!

Unknown said...

you should totally go for match.com. I had to kiss a few frogs before I found the right guy, but we've been happily together for 2 years now.