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filling myself in the morning.

There are days I drop words of comfort on myself like falling leaves and remember that it is enough to be taken care of by myself. 

Brian Andreas

i was reading the words of brian andreas when i wrote this. i think part of the secret of success in life is to find those--those in your life and immediate circle of friends, as well as poets and musicians and artists--find those people that speak to the very deepest parts of yourself and cultivate those friendships, those affairs. cultivate a taste that no one can question--that is yours--fill yourself up with that love.

i'm realizing i'm a better person when i begin the day with oatmeal, some really good music (lately, the tallest man on earth) and the words of someone so much smarter than myself (like brian andreas).

remember when a few weeks back i posted about happiness and asked that you all might help me make a list of tangible things to pull us from that place of funk? well yesterday, this one was added:

i am great. i need nothing but myself to make me happy. 

words of comfort, dropping like leaves, indeed. 


Dia said...

``I can be perfectly happy by myself. With freedom, flowers, books and the moon, who could not be perfectly happy?`` ~ Oscar Wilde, ``De Profundis``

Post Grad Hair Cut said...

I have almost 600 blogs in my blog reader. I always read your posts first. Thanks for everything.

Unknown said...

There really is something to be said for being able to love yourself and make yourself happy, because ultimately if you don't no one else will either. Thanks for sharing!

kate said...

probably one of the best comments i've ever seen/read.