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i simply can't get enough of this brian andreas figure.

she said she usually cried at least once a day not because she 
was sad, but because the world was so beautiful & life was so short. 

brian andreas


Jennifer Rod said...

so i googled this guy, and im starting to see why you cant get enough of him. :)

look a little closer said...

meg - brian andreas was from iowa - which is where i'm from. and yes

he. is. wonderful!

i did a whole series of paintings for my friends using his quotes. i picked appropriate ones for them and painted. perhaps you'll enjoy them


dark garden was a very personal piece.

much love.

Unknown said...

i feel the exact same way.

Alex said...

What a beautiful reason to cry.

Cinzia In Italia said...

I think this quote is so beautiful and so true. I understand it so well!

Jane said...

Do you find these in books, just stumble upon them? Or do you quote surf?


Ms. Chapatti said...

Such truth in these lines.

I cry once a month, because my soul needs a detox.

Jenni Austria Germany said...

see, this reminds me of when i lived in salzburg and i'd cry every day because the alps were so beautiful and my time there was so short.

kinda the same, right?

becky said...

Oh, this is beautiful. So, so beautiful. Thank-you for sharing, Meg!

Anonymous said...

one of my favs Meg just beautiful


Shell <33

Kate said...

This is honestly one of my favorite quotes. It's so true, sometimes you wanna cry just to cry, but because you're sad.

Sara Downton said...

i remember finding this years and years ago and falling in love with it straight away. such a beautiful way to look at things.

Bridget said...

love love love his work.

Jenni@Story of My Life said...

I love this SO much...

Jenni@Story of My Life said...

Funny, after I left this comment I Googled him and realized that I actually have one of his prints and already loved his stuff, I'd just forgotten the name... I got my husband the one that says "You're the strangest person I ever met, she said, and I said you too and we decided we'd be know each other a long time..."
Ha! ;)