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thinking back. (and some much needed color on the blog).

it was a year ago now that i winged my way across the atlantic to australia. a year ago. to visit with my friend stevie before he eloped to hawaii. to fall in love with his fiancee miriam. to fall in love with lattes and mochas and infused australian light.

this morning with nothing to do i paged through my photos. allowing those year-ago feelings to wash over me.

so indulge me. here is the australia i loved. one year later.

stevie picks me up

miriam: kitchen goddess

first morning

train station

mocha at the museum

sydney sidewalk bodega

the sky is a blue you can't even imagine

family dial

the rocks

the expanse of it.

light infused

cemetery by the sea (bay)

skyline and necks

give me a blue door any day

looks like a movie set, no?

catholic cathedral, sydney

look at that handsome mug

books, books, books


AbbieBabble said...

I don't think anyone ever needs to ask permission (or to be indulged) if they're showing travel photos. Now I want to go to Australia!

Islandia Lane said...

First time to your blog, I so love looking back through my pictures and indulging in the memory of those moments.
Your photos are so crisp! Looks like a great time. I loved Australia when I lived there but it's been almost 15 years ago for me now.

A Sunday Kind Of Love said...

One of my goals is to get to Australia in the next two years: either as a job(!) or a vacation. I love these photos :)
(and as per your many favorable reviews, I will be sure to have many lattes when I am there!)

Anonymous said...

I love looking back at pictures of my travels, especially Greece and Ireland and remembering all the laughs and good times I had there. It's a powerful thing that pictures do...transport you back to a place where you can smell the smells, hear the sounds, all by holding that picture.
By the way they are STUNNING pictures!


Ellie said...

You're right Australia is beautiful. I'm sorry you can't get lattes where you are, they're also pretty great. By the sounds of it, you just need to come back!


Emily said...

these pictures are great!
australia looks MARVELOUS.

iheartkiwi said...

flowers, bookstores with ladders and golden afternoon sunlight... lovely, just lovely.

add a few giraffes into the mix and it's pretty much amazing :)

elventryst said...

Oh, dear me, please tell me where that sublime cemetery is?

Wendy Lady said...

I've always wanted to go there, it looks amazing!

Nicole said...

so so beautiful

Alyssa said...

awesome images! i love it when people document their travels. i really want to see Australia!

Jacob C. said...

awesome pictures!!!

Jace said...

Loved the seventh and ninth photos! They were such lovely streets!

Jo said...

The cemetery is beautiful beyond words!
Great photos!!

Unknown said...

gorgeousness! I love the giraffes ...and the stripes and leopard mix and the books...so great!

Miglė said...

Australia - my dream country. Great pictures. p.s. i sometimes like to wath trrough my old photos also :)

Bridget said...

were you feeling all sad/anxious to return coming to the realization that a year has passed?? i went to italy this summer and i imagine that next july i will be DESPERATE to return as though my life depends on it. im not gonna like that!

also, your trip looks glorious.

Sarah said...

As a Sydney sider, it's always great to see it from someone else's view point. We are very lucky and yes the coffee is the best:) The cemetry is opposite the ocean, on a beautiful walk from Bronte beach to Bondi beach.
Excellent photos Meg!

becca said...

Wow! Such gorgeous photos, girlie!
I especially love the one of the food! And the old building, and the library. It's all gorgeous.
You are certainly allowed to love something that beautiful :)

Extreme Cloud Watcher said...

Ah, you captured some of "my" Australia. "My" Australia is how I wis it to be envisaged over seas. And as for that quaint bookshop, been there, done thatm got the t-shirt, and loved every minute.