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an adventure in utah

so as it turns out, i actually went to juilliard.
i studied theatre.
i planned to be an actor.

you know what they say about the best laid plans...

i stepped away from acting just over a year ago with every intention of returning. but somewhere along the way i began to wonder if i ever would return--if i wanted to.

and because i found fulfillment in other things i started to think perhaps it was best to just move on.

but every once and a while, i miss it.

this is all to say i'm heading to utah this summer to work through these questions in a new way.

i'll be playing juliet in a production of romeo and juliet.

i know you all are going to be wonderfully supportive. but before sharing this, i had to make sure that stripped of anyone's support other than my own, i'd be okay.

and i think i will be.

so there you have it.
three months in utah to figure out if i want to act.

and let me add, before coming to see me in romeo and juliet (and you will, no?) you must check out the production of much ado about nothing. it's outside, absolutely free, 80 minutes long, and you can bring your own picnic...

check out the blog.


Heather said...

Much Ado about Nothing is my favorite Shakespeare play! I can't wait! You will have so much fun here in Utah. Good luck with everything!

Unknown said...



Laura C said...

I feel like I should congratulate you :) It's a big step, and it's good that you waited until you really felt ready.

I love outdoor theatre!

Wendy said...

I will definitely make the trek to Provo to see you in Romeo and Juliet!

Shelby Lou said...

Ok, so my friend is in this play, Romeo and Juliet, and he is playing Romeo. The play is here, in Provo. This could be crazy awesome.

Either way, I'm coming to see you! We will need to grab something to eat while you are down!

Missy said...

Congrats on your new adventure - I think it's beyond fabulous.

(although I couldn't help but think while reading - ahhh, to be 25 again.) :)

Shoshana said...

Meg, your acting gift is tremendous and left an indelible mark on me. So I am so happy for your audiences this summer!

MMW said...

I will absolutely come see you! I WILL BE THERE...I'm so excited to see you acting and to meet you in person.
xoxo MMW

iheartkiwi said...

how exciting! i can't wait to hear all about it :)

sometimes you just need a little break to realize how much you miss something. absence does indeed make the heart grow fonder!

ALFIE said...

i did theater for 2 years after high school. traveled. taught young students techniques.
i love the stage. that feeling you get when you perform. and not the accolades. but that tingling in the pit of your stomach. the thrill of being someone different. becoming someone else. its magic.

i hurt i miss it so much.

i wasn't as brave as you. i took the safe and easy way. left my training and degree behind and went to nursing school. got a career. and it's nice. i'm thankful. but sometimes---i just want to be on stage again.

i am THRILLED for you. and darn it-- jealous :)

have the greatest time in the world. find out what you want. and chase it.

you'll never be sorry for that.

Joni and Rico Adams said...

I will definitely be in the audience at your play. You will love Utah I'm sure. Do tell the dates of the production when you can.

whitney said...

Yay Meg! I hope you have a wonderful experience in Utah!!!

Laurie said...

Can't wait to come see Romeo and Juliet! It is one of my favorite plays! Good luck Meg.

Wish I could make it to Much Ado About Nothing...Stupid work

jessica renae said...

i can't wait to see you as juliet - i live in utah, and will be there for sure! good luck with the figuring! :)

Sarah-lucy said...

thanks Meg! I love the graphic--you're awesome!

Nicole said...

Good luck!

gigi said...

Oh I will be there! I'm so excited for you and for me to be able to see you.

I feel the same way about ballet sometimes, and it scares me. I don't want to live without it, but I think I can.

e.wilson said...

well, meg. you can't count me and jeremy wilson in on your performance. i'm really excited for you.


kate said...

hooray for utah! they'll be lucky to have you! :)

i just might need to come down to provo to come and see you live in action!

naomi megan. said...

look at all these people who are coming to your utah show! i just might need to come too! and show you around my little home town.

we really are so excited for you.

thanks for your voicemail yesterday. hope you made that deadline. will call you later.


Brittany said...

meg, if i am in utah i will for sure be at your show. it makes me so excited! what are your performance dates?

S said...

Oh, theater in the park! So fun--I'll absolutely be going to both of these.

alisha said...

i beyond love this, as you know. :) i heart you.

J. said...

WOW! This is so exciting! I was wondering why you were coming to Utah.:) I will definitely see you in that production. Literally 12 minutes ago my 9th graders read the last scene of Romeo and Juliet. And worlds collided.

christine said...


Way to do it on your own terms.

Break a leg.

Above all have fun in Utah. It's a fun place to spend a summer.

Isdanish said...

You're coming to Utah! How exciting. I will definitely be dragging my husband down to the park to see you.

Chelsey said...

That's cool! I want to come see you, where will the play be at? You'll do great!! ;)

Anonymous said...

you go! I totally would come watch you, one of my fav. bloggers! :) But, I'm kind of in Kentucky. ha. I wish you best of luck though in all of your future endeavors!

Andrea said...

excellent choice. hands on adventures with meg in the lead...
keep us tuned...

beatrice said...

oh that makes me so happy!

Erica Newhouse-Kasper said...

You are going to be glorious. If I had more than a few dollars to my name, I'd be there on opening night.

Elizabeth said...

Go Meg!

bitemebiteme said...

That's wonderful! I hope I'll make it to Utah this summer!

Aline said...

i am so happy/proud/over the moon for you!!!

Roxy Te said...

good luck! You will be smashing! I once acted out the balcony scene in high school...so fun ;)

Monica said...

i'll be there! i'll let you know when I'm coming. Can't wait!

jill said...

excited to see you in a play! I love Romeo and Juliet and a play in the park sounds lovely!

Kayla said...

I wish I could come see you as Juliet, that would be so lovely! Also I loved this: "i had to make sure that stripped of anyone's support other than my own, i'd be okay."

You're an inspiration. I'm constantly trying to be my own best friend for times like that, when I am the only one around.

Brittany said...

so exciting! when you know what the dates are, will you let us know? i will for sure be there! i've been meaning to go to more plays, and this is the perfect reason!

● C E L I N A ● said...

UTAH will love you. I just hope you LOVE utah.

If not, there is always Ethiopia!

like a rolling stone... said...

ah! i've been away from your blog for a few weeks while i have been out of internet or out and about in rural africa, but i was SO happy to return to it and SEE the steps you've taken.
how BOLD!
how BRAVE!
how INTENTIONAL....kudos, meg, kudos.

i wish you all the best. and i can't wait to hear how life is looking from your chair perched atop utah.


Kelsey M. said...

where is romeo and juliet playing? i'd love to come watch!!