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i would move there for the colors alone.

i've been begging my parents to allow me to post some photos from their recent trip to morocco--to give my usual black and white blog a much needed infusion of color--a feast for the eyes.

what i wouldn't give to go to morocco. the colors! oh, the colors!

or prague. i could live with a trip to prague.
or berlin! oh the underground culture of it all...
in fact, i'm just about going batty waiting for a man to sail me down the dalmatian coast!

let's talk wanderlust...where would you go first?


thobeka said...

I went to Prague a week or so ago...it's magical! You have to go!

Larissa said...

I want to see New York!

meg fee said...

oh, lovely!! did you have a favorite bit?!

meg fee said...

Larissa, lol, come come, I'll show you around!

Chelsey said...

Ireland! I SOOO want to go!!

iheartkiwi said...

morocco is truly amazing. i only got to spend a few days there but it was definitely worth it! love your parent's photos!

kiwi and i are headed to thailand and malaysia next week! but next up on our travel wish list is turkey... truly where the east meets west!

gigi said...

Oh they're all beautiful. My favorites are the aquamarine door and the spice colored curtains.

My wanderlust is currently confined to the states. I'm dying to see the Shenandoah valley.

Danielle said...

i have a never ending list of places i want to go! the netherlands and germany are at the top right now though.

Anonymous said...

i wanna go to England and NYC.
I've been to France, Spain, Andorra, and the Bahamas.
lovely pics!

alisha said...

Morocco. I want to go to there. :)

And of course, Italy and Barcelona.
Dude- your parents took some amazing pictures. Love love love.

kate said...

Funny.. Wanderlust has been on my mind BIG time!

Greece. I've been DYING to go to Greece!!

Prague is AMAZING. I'd love to teach English there for a year. Sigh. Someday!

ALFIE said...

oh my stars! thank your parents 1,000 times over for letting you post these pictures!


i am aching to go to ireland & africa!!

as for the books you're reading:: your assessment is spot on. "dragon tattoo" is pure excitement. but "water for elephants" is a book of abundant substance. one that sticks to your memory. one that you buy a few copies of to pass out. it's a masterpiece. enjoy it!

Laurie said...

I WILL go to Italy! My dad lived there for 2 years and I love his pictures and his stories! Such a beautiful country!

Amy said...

I'm currently on a one year trip around the world. Next up is Mexico (San Blas) for six weeks, Vancouver for a month, Australia (Sydney, Brisbane and Noosa) for a month, Japan for three months and then SE Asia for another three months... than back home to London, England mid-April.

I'm loving it, but am looking forward to Japan most of all. Wanderlust doesn't go away when you wander - I'm living proof.

meg fee said...


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

One word.
Okay, a few more words...
Camels. Pyramids. Sailing the Nile. Camping amidst sand dunes. Jewelry shopping in open air markets.


Fairfield said...

Short term: room in the Plaza.
Long term: Greece.

Unknown said...

oh man... i want to go to all of those places SO bad!! but i leave for my adventure tomorrow, which begins in helsinki - so i can't complain! xox

Unknown said...

oh I would love to go as well ...that blue door is fantastic!! ...I always want to go where it seems most romantic ...it's always Spain & Italy for me ...and the Greek Isles maybe ...I'm terrified of flying though ...so there's a chance I may never make it ;)

Shannon said...

Agreed!!! That teal door made my day!

Unknown said...

I want to go everywhere on this list:
(great article, check it out)

I am especially craving adventures in Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, and Northern Africa.

I am really sad that I am not going on a fabulous trip this summer (after my high school graduation!) but I have lots of dance/arts commitments.

Unknown said...

I am going to India in Dec. 2010 for about two weeks. I feel bad that I haven't been in like five years and some family members have already passed away sadly since my last visit.
I am glad however that this trip will involve some sightseeing and not just family stuff!

S said...

Berlin and Prague are absolutely worth your while. Dresden is also gompletely gorgeous.

I would go on a Mediterranean Cruise: Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Turkey, Greece, Italy, France, Spain. I think cruises like that exist, but they are ridiculously expensive. Nowhere near my budget.

More realistically, I would go to Cinque Terre in Italy.

And then to Petra.

So many places. So little money. :)

christine said...

Right now, if the sky were the limit, then I would go to New Zealand.

My sky has a limit so Monticello in Virginia, Assateague Island in Maryland, and the Outerbanks of North Carolina are all on my travel list for this summer.

Jennifer M. said...

These are gorgeous pictures! Thanks for sharing. :)

I would love to go to Australia, England, Spain, Greece, Italy, pretty much anywhere.

meg fee said...

oh Prianka, India is definitely on my list--you must tell us all about it!

Amy said...

It's funny, because I never imagined it was possible to travel for a year and when my boyfriend suggested it, it actually took me awhile to realize that, given the right compromises, it can be done. First off, we saved a little bit of money (not enough to get us through the year mind you, so we'll see how it goes - leap of faith) and we've been lucky in that we've got friends or family in a few of the places on our early stops, which means cheap or free accommodation. When we bought our major long haul flights we got one of those 'around the world' tickets and they are surprisingly cheap. London - LA - Vancouver - Sydney - Tokyo - Bangkok - London for all under $3,000 including insurance for the entire year... We needed to also add on some shorter flights into the mix in addition to this and will need to arrange travel through Asia, etc.

The other thing is that we really wanted to sink into the culture of each place we're visiting so we are staying for between a month and three months at each stop. This makes things a little bit more affordable because instead of paying for a hotel or putting up with hostel conditions we're able to rent apartments short term. This also gives us a kitchen, which means we can have more control over what we spend on meals. We leave for San Blas, Mexico for six weeks on June 13th and we've rented a small bungalow on the beach for about $350. If you don't mind not being in touristy places (and we actually prefer to stay away from those) you can find some pretty reasonable deals. It's certainly cheaper than living in London!

Lastly, we work in location independent areas - we both do content strategy work and have a handful of clients we freelance for who don't care where we're living. I also do some freelance writing and photography. Though none of these things is enough to make us rich, it gives us enough to supplement our savings and keep us going. :)

It's exciting but definitely an adjustment. We got rid of most of our stuff and I'm learning that a big closet of shoes and dresses isn't the core ingredient to my happiness. I'm also a bit of a control freak, so I'm trying to relax a little bit and just let things happen. It's not easy, but I'm learning a lot about myself.

Sorry for the long comment! Just want to wish you luck on your summer in Utah. I love your writing, your photos and your amazing honesty on this blog. It takes a lot of heart and bravery to shake things up. This quote from Elisabeth Gilbert says it all:

"Happiness is the consequence of personal effort. You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it, and sometimes even travel around the world looking for it. You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestations of your own blessings. And once you have achieved a state of happiness, you must never become lax about maintaining it. You must make a mighty effort to keep swimming upward into that happiness forever, to stay afloat on top of it."

Keep on swimming! x

Kristin H said...

I love Prague I love Berlin! I would go to Kenya next or maybe Tanzania?

Spardha Malik said...

have a great trip... havent seen ur blog in such a long time... I missed out on SO much.... u r visibly happier and positive. All the best.. Enjoy!