However, the impending doom of ten hour department store days has driven me to vigorously search Craigslist for a new job. The last time I checked Craigslist, in an effort assuage boredom, I checked the personal ads. Just curious you know. Men seeking women. That's what I clicked on. Turns out most there's a whole host of married men in this city seeking pudgy women who are willing to provide a little companionship for a nice, pudgy lump of cash. I'm gonna keep looking under the job tab, but if worse comes to worse... Well, what can I say, it no longer seems like such a ludicrous option. Oh shush, stop you're guffawing, I was only kidding. Lord knows my going rate is much higher than anyone on Craigslist would be able to afford.
And in an effort to motivate me, and a show of solidarity, my father has begun a nightly "blog"...meaning he emails me every night. Long emails. And in the subject line he always puts Notes from Dad 12/9/08. Tonight's blog was particularly exciting. He sent me a list of all 28 jobs he's had over the course of his storied life. 28 jobs. With descriptions. I thought I'd share of few of my favorites...
1. Cheerful Christmas cards salesman--in 5th grade to earn enough money to buy my own desk to do homework instead of at the kitchen table
2. Window washer--for my grandfather every Easter with my brother
4. Lawnboy--Employed my Christian Brothers who probably hoped I would have a religious calling
6. Coat checker--my coat was stolen when the college kids stormed the coat check because I was too slow in dispensing the coats
14. Factory machine operator --In Westchester ghetto factory (his words, not mine)
22. Market researcher interviewer--worked for future wife (that's my mom; I didn't know this and it makes me giggle)
23. Clerk to lawyer in Queens who worked taxi cab accident claims--Only lasted three days and was not paid
And he walked 5 miles, in the snow, to school every morning (it doesn't says this, but you know it's implied)
He then ends his "blog" with the following note: I would be glad to answer any and all questions you might have about any of these income earning opportunities
Personally, I want to know more about the Westchester ghetto....
Or maybe I can first ask about bringing back my very first business venture: Gift wrapping. I used to slave away in my room as the holiday season approached. And bear in mind, I'm about as good at wrapping gifts as I am skilled in the kitchen. Maybe I've improved over the years. And the cost of paper has surely gone what do you think $50 dollars a package?
that is LOVELY!!!! isn't it funny, the line our parents use about "walking in the snow x amount of miles?" lol My Mom always starts with, "Once upon a time, when I was a little girl in the Philippines without any shoes..." lol
it's really cute!!!!
Good luck in retail christmas, trust me- I feel your pain having worked retail all thru school (including HS!). But just think of it this way: YOU can be the one to make a diff in the business of holiday shopping. :) that or, take your father's advice and ask away those questions lol
really cute, those emails :)
how adorable is your dad to be writing to you every night???sweetness meg!!! and 28 jobs???whoaaaa, that's a lot of jobs tried and tested!!!
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