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She built a makeshift bathroom on the bus. With newspaper, a coat, and a box of band-aids.

Did you hear about the traffic nightmare on the Lincoln Tunnel? That's what one news article called it. I didn't hear about it. I lived it.

4:30 Section R of Route 66 bus leaves Port Authority.

4:37 My own Route 66 bus leaves.

4:40 Something is clearly wrong. We're barely moving. Not to worry. I'll take a nap.

5:30 Wake up. We're inside Lincoln Tunnel. I should have been home 40 minutes ago. Oh well, back to nap.

6:15 Wake again. What, I'm still in the tunnel. Are you kidding me. Anger and anxiety ensue. What is going on?

6:30 Barely Moving. 2 hours now. 2 hours we've been stuck inside the tunnel.

6:50 We make is just outside. And immediately pull over. We pick up all the members of the Section R bus which has broken down. This is not the cause of the delay, just a casualty. Anger has passed. All I can do now is laugh. All inbound and outbound traffic is at a standstill. Police investigation taking place. Suspicious bottle? What does that even mean.

Now I know you're wondering about the title of this post. Well, at some point during all the chaos a very inventive woman felt that calling, as we all do at some point. And as opposed to sitting and stewing, she took charge. Using a jacket, newspaper, and band-aids she made a stall for herself and went to the bathroom. Into a plastic water bottle. Our bus driver used it too. Though, he opted for his old coffee cup. The best part was she had no shame about the whole thing. She had a smile on her face the whole of our fiasco and I must say, it was infectious. My 20 minute bus ride which finally ended close to three hours later was made bearable by the sight of that little stall. In fact, it made it worthwhile. 

This was the best picture I could get. Behind the bald man's head you see the tell tale signs of the best part of my day.

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