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"I think we all speak a different kind of language than each other, but you sound a whole lot like coffee on a Sunday morning and the rain is falling bitter against the windowpane and your elbows are making holes in the countertops, and I only want to tell you that I wish I was as close as the threads of your t-shirt, and if I can't be that, then I'll be content with drinking my drink beside you, with the rain sloppy open mouth kissing the roof, trying to dismantle the etymology of a conversation that falls out of the realm of words."

Shinji Moon | He Loves the Rain


Cyndi said...

"with the rain sloppy open mouth kissing the roof..." that image is incredible, as is this passage. thank you for sharing! i'm a new reader, and your work is inspiring. can't wait to keep reading!

-Cyndi @ travelhikeeatrepeat.com

Britta said...


jackie said...

oh my gosh.

Unknown said...

Love this!

Shawnee said...

just blogged this quote a couple days ago. quite amazing.

Unknown said...

wow. "the rain sloppy open mouth kissing the roof." what an image.

xx, kara

Chelsea said...

God I love Shinji Moon.

Jessica @ Little Maple Leaf said...

I love this quote because it's an honest look at what we as human beings who love (love) are looking for.


Anonymous said...

Oh Meg Fee! My heart aches for you every time I read every entry on (and every response to) this blog of yours.

The morning or evening or midnight or afterlife you wake up and realize that you're genetically designed to be dating/falling in love with/creating a life with women instead of men will be the beginning of the rest of your life. It's when you'll wake up and really start living instead of waiting.

The writing is all over every single wall you write on, internet and beyond.

(You'll violently, angrily dismiss this message and laugh at it this year today but maybe (hopefully HOPEFULLY) someday MAYBE before the end of your life you'll realize this. And think back on this blog post and think wow, that anonymous was right.)


meg fee said...

dear anonymous: are you in NY? let's go to coffee. let's talk about this. if you are so convinced you're right, then by all means, convince me. there are some things i know so very well: myself being one of them. i knew i had an eating disorder when every inch of me ached in that direction. it took years of people telling me no, that wasn't the case, for me to convince just one person. but in my bones i knew it to be true. it would have been a lot easier if i hadn't had one. and it would be a lot easier if i could pursue the very thing i went to school to get a degree in, but my body tells me it isn't right. so why should my body have no idea what it is attracted to? you're right. when my body calls out for a particular thing, i know it to be right. for me it is a man, which is no judgment for women who want to be with women or men who want to be with men, or people who will take either.

but surely you, hiding behind the label of anonymous, know me better than i know myself.

so yes, take me to coffee, let me know what you think. you have an email address to reach me, by all means, make your case.

was that violent or angry? you seem to know me better than myself and are able to predict my whims, so it must have been.

Caitlin said...

Meg, thank you so much for posting this. It's like an eloquent friend spilled her heart in front of me and I just ache for her. I also love this quote from Shinji Moon: "I look at you and see all the ways a soul can bruise, and I wish I could sink my hands into your flesh and light lanterns along your spine so you know that there’s nothing but light when I see you." To all of us who see the lanterns of light :)

Unknown said...

YUM. goodness this quote is delicious.

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

This made me well up.