on saturday, with josh, naomi, and little eleanor in town, our group of friends had a college reunion of sorts. and like all reunions there was good food, plenty of laughter, and reminiscing.
but it was more than that.
there was a point when i leaned back in my chair, took note of the surroundings and the stories unfolding and thought, this meal is prayer made manifest. both prayer of the present as well as the future.
i studied the messy table littered with half-eaten food, crumbs that only eleanor could have made, and i sent up a silent plea: let there always be children. let there always be mess. and children's books. let there be plentiful food and drink. fresh flowers on the table. the music of a good joke and the subsequent cascade of laughter. let there be shared looks between old friends and the gentle palm of a hand on the back by someone who's seen you cycle through good, bad and all that is between. let there be love. of friends. of partners. of children. of another memory in the making.
thinking a trip to d.c. might be a good way to kick off the new year. more memories to be made. more stories to be told.
that sounds like exactly what a reunion should be. a reminder of the old, but support for the future. thank god you have friends like these.
I love seeing bloggers hanging out together. You and Naomi are quite a special pair!
this is such a beautiful post.
(i have to say that you guys are a very good-looking group)
looks like you all had a wonderful time. it's great to reunite with 'old' friends!
it's great to see how the dynamics change when there is a little kid involved - and eleanor is one of the cutest kids ever.
i'm jealous you're going to d.c. soon - i lived there for a year - miss it a lot.
have a great week
ps: is there snow yet?
no snow yet!
this is sweet. and you look great. bangs are such a good look for you!
oh and, am i imagining this or do you, too, love Felicity? i recently began a season 1 marathon and not only did it make me want to visit/move to NYC, but it made me think, "for some reason, i think meg - as in meg fee - loves this show...". am i right? or just crazy...? the latter is just as likely as the former.
DC is beautiful in the winter. Freezing cold, yes, but no colder than NYC! Come. Jennifer....you come too.
Speaking of Felicity (love the show), your friend in the black button up and black glasses kind of looks like Scott Speedman in that photo of him, Naomi and Eleanor! Cute. :)
you look radiant meg!
and yes, let there be children! i feel the same way. i can't wait for the little messes.
i love when jenny and i have conversations with each other in other people's comment boxes.
okay, jenny! on my way to DC....someday.
I was in the midst of reunion myself yesterday with college friends.
Ahh...the "knowing glances".
Love them.
hi meg.... I hope you don't find this weird!.... I write (i use that term loosley!) for a website called "Think Beautiful" I do a weekly challenge and this weeks challenge was to pick 3 people I admire. One of which was you... Please dont take this as me trying to advertise the site, I just thought, if someone wrote something about me, I'd like to read it! so if you get a second, and feel so inclined, here's the address to pop by :) http://www.thinkbeautiful.com.au/
this is so so sweet! Eleanor is just the cutest baby. You and Naomi look beautiful!
Sounds exaclty like a reunion should be...and Eleanor is adorable!
such fans of you and naomi!
the meal being a prayer in itself is such a beautiful little line. adore it so much. so much truth in this :)
you spelled friends wrong
Ha, I totally saw the resemblance for Scott Speedman from Felicity! Swoon. Glad I'm not the only one. And I thought of Meg when I started watching Felicity, I know broken record, but I had to comment because SERIOUSLY.
Ah, D.C.?! I spent this past summer there, and lately I've been missing it terribly. I love the place, and would like to make my way back there someday.
You should definitely come to D.C. I have fallen hopelessly in love with the place.
dear anonymous: where? where, did i spell it wrong?
ah, i see, but i don't really care enough to change it. i do thank you for pointing that out though.
eeeeeeeeeeeee I love when you and Naomi get together <3
Meg, What a beautiful prayer.
You all look so joyful and all are so good lookin'!
May I ask which restaurant this is?
@ Georgette: Cafeteria in Chelsea!
Those pictures are so lovely! The best pictures are those where you can see the love and friendship between people. And I'm repeating your plea, because God knows this world needs it.
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