i love going home. and i love returning to new york. (pick your jaw up off the floor--yeah, i said it: i love returning to new york. and that is true. because, for now, it's home as well).
but man oh man is there something about returning to that place you grew up. that place you made your first mistakes, had your first kiss, first failed, first flew, first loved. there's something to returning to that place that marked you--imprinted itself.
it helps me find my axis. my center. the very core of who i am.
because when in texas there is knowledge and remembrance in getting behind the wheel, cranking up the radio and pressing my foot against the accelerator. or walking along the bayou and touching the part of me that's a low-country-gal--one who grew up on the ranches of friends, alongside horses, swinging across creeks and rivers, fostering imagination in skeleton houses.
and then there's the immediate and tangible love of family. and well, that's one of those things that i've yet to find adequate words for.

(i must say that i love looking at these pictures because i'm reminded that food is 80% adventure in color. and yes that percentage is made up by yours truly, but you get the point).
(and can you find the hidden allergy medication? that's one of those things that translates from place to place. that and funky seasons . houston is warm, new york is warm, but definitely our actions are not at all responsible for changes in weather patterns. nope, global warming is definitely not happening).
Your trip looks so yummy - especially that cake! Glad you had a chance to go home and re-charge your batteries.
Your photos are beautiful Meg! And that cake. It's 7:30 a.m. and I'm drooling over here. I guess it's cake for breakfast. :)
So glad you had a nice time at home. And there definitely IS something amazing about going home. I read somewhere that sometimes we have to leave somewhere just to appreciate that feeling of going back, of going home and I'm glad your trip turned out to be what you needed. Glad to wake up to your lovely post!
beautiful words and yummy food. Perfect.
It really is interesting just how big a part food plays in our lives. It's more than physical nourishment. It nourishes our souls, and our psyche at times.
Nothing better than home and home cooking to pull us back into ourselves and remind us where we come from and who we are.
So very glad you were able to recharge and get some much needed time at home.
Meg, I'm so happy you had a great time at home.
The food and the cake look delicious.
I'm always excited to go back home and cook and backe with my mom (reminds me of my childhood etc.)
I really like the necklace you're wearing. Where is it from? Looks really delicate and pretty.
There's nothing quite like going home :)
Glad you had a wonderful time!
Your pictures bring back memories for me as well, because my mom was terribly in love with her portmeirion china and we used it all through my childhood. Does your family have the venus fly trap plate? I remember thinking that it was so cool that there was a bug trapped in its green jaws, and always wanted to give myself that plate when setting the table, but deflecting to my dad because it was the only "boy" plate since the rest were flowers.
Upon retirement, my mother became a gourmet home chef and evidently after being brainwashed by the Barefoot Contessa, she feels she needs to switch to crisp, white plates for presentation. I agreed at first, because I'm kind of a classic girl myself, but internally hedged at losing that part of growing up.
It is heartwarming to know that you and your family share a depth that many families do not.
By their arms, though miles away, love surrounds you in a forever embrace.
It's been a while since I've last left a comment for you sweet Meg... {shied away from the blog world for a bit but am back now}
May your heart be filled with warmth and wonder today,
Amber Dawn
i don't really know what's going on with the pie and spinach leaves...but i want to eat it, whatever it is.
I'm going home to texas next week for turkey day! I can't wait for that "tangible love of family!" so well put. :)
@*me*-this is the necklace: http://www.satyajewelry.com/catalog/necklaces-gold-c-167_53.html?page=3&products_id=2172
@jenni--it's a quiche and it was delicious!
@sky: we don't have the venus fly trap, but i wish we did!! what a lovely story. i myself love these places, but i too like the blank canvas that is a white plate!
ok now please give me the recipes!!!!!
there is no place like the first place you called home. and all the emotions, smells, memories, sights, sounds that come with it. xo louise from the book.
Oh please do tell me what that delicious mushroom/spinach looking dish is in the pie shell?
Your pictures look like home. How nice to have those memories.
ah! this made me feel so homesick. there really is no place like the south/home.
Lovely sentiments. And that cake in the shadows? Perfect.
there's just something about going home. but i'm glad you loved coming back to new york too :) it's totally possible to have more than one home. your heart can be in more than one place at a time.
I could stare at these pictures all day, if they didn't make me hungry for something healthy and something sweet.
Yay for home, food and family! I'm going back to Houston next week, and I can't wait for the fun. Also - what is it about those Texas Oak trees that always get my allergies going, too?
Home will always be a safe haven. I admit that even though I say I hate it here, I'll always feel home here. There's just something special about it that you can't recreate.
I'm glad you had a good trip!
I'm salivating.
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