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If you obsess about some defect, you make it obvious to everyone, and suddenly everyone is staring at just that defect. It's always like that. The more you hide something, the more it shows. But when you accept your defect, suddenly no one on earth sees it anymore. In fact, it becomes an asset.

Audrey Tautou


becky said...

Wise, wise words. I struggle using it, though, in every day life.

Anonymous said...

So true-- I used to have this problem a lot. My "defect" was hiding who I am-- but now, I just act like who I am, and I am who I am. If someone doesn't like it, then i'm sorry!

Thank you for your powerful quotes--they always are so touching!

Dorothy A. said...

Well said! I am very petite, and kids used to tease me about it when I was young. Then I figured out that when I highlight it, no one can pick on my height anymore. It became my trademark -a small girl that can pack a punch. :)

Jessica said...

SUCH a true quote. :) Most people are far too worried about themselves to really care about anyone else's flaws. I guess there are always a few who like to point out your flaws to you...it's hard to see them as being insecure but I have to assume that's what's at fault there...or they're just incredibly unaware...? :) Thanks for the post.

Jeneric Generation said...

Who knew Audrey Tautou was adorable and wise! That is SO true.

Little Tree Vintage said...

I love audrey tatou, such a smart woman. and such a good quote<3

WhitMc said...

I like it! Thanks for posting.

Hannah Joy said...

I needed to hear this today. I really like your quote posts!

Unknown said...

This is to become my new mantra, because God knows I need to follow it. xx

♥ Kaylan said...

i needed to read this today. once again, meg, you hit the nail on the head1

Jody said...

i have taken this quote for my own, thank you for posting itt