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i've hung some goals.

hanging goals

i've been thinking a lot about goals lately. little one. small ones that might help reveal some stuff about those big life questions. 

and because i'm a person that needs to see them, to write them down, i've hung them as a little banner above my desk.

yes, i know, i'm twenty-five. shouldn't i have figured out some of this stuff much sooner? shouldn't i be good at saving money and making plans and bringing my dreams to fruition? 

well, i'm working on it okay, one little flag of my banner at a time.

what do you do to motivate yourself? how do you remind yourself of your goals?


Roxy Te said...

I heart this Meg! I keep a book on my desk to remind myself of my goals. It's "Restoring a House in the City" and features so many beautiful brownstones from Brooklyn and Greenwich to Baltimore and Savannah. One day..one day ;)

Dee Paulino said...

this is such a great idea. I think we're too young to have life figured out by age 25. one little flag at a time sounds like a great motivation to me.

iheartkiwi said...

LOVE this idea lady!

I think visualizing yourself achieving your goals is so important. I actually try to picture them in my mind and see them happening.

That little trick is a throwback to my sports psychology classes as an undergrad :)

becky said...

I love this idea. Very inventive and the monochromatic theme is set up beautifully in your little desk nook. I wish I was better at saving space. I wish I was better at keeping my room tidy...

This is the first year I have really done it but at the beginning of the year I made a list of twenty-one things I want to do in my twenty-first year. (Sadly, I have not achieved very many of them yet). But before I wrote that list, I wrote a list of twenty things I am glad I did when I was twenty. It was a nice little reminder of the things I do and forget I do---and a nice little graph of the things I have achieved, however small I think them.

Unknown said...

What an awesome idea to be able to see your goals every day! I don't have anything like this...yet. But it inspires me to think of something cool and creative!

The Magnificent Lou said...

You are so fantastic! I love this idea and if I ever find that gorgeous notebook where I once wrote all my goals (it must be stuffed somewhere under my bed or lost under all the piles of crap on my desk), I might have to do something similar.

I kind of hate the phrase "good luck", so I'm wishing you the best with your goals. You can do it :)

Jillian said...

This is a great idea. I need to do something like this. I'm always losing sight of my goals and things that need to be completed. Thanks for sharing this!

Jamie @ charmingly ordinary said...

I love your banner! Just might implement this in my own home. And to answer your question...I make sure that I have people around me who ask me the hard questions. You know, the ones who will hold you accountable.

Erin {pughs' news} said...

That is a fabulous idea, Meg. I usually write my goals in my journal but that is so much prettier!

m_b said...

that is so much cuter than the post-its hanging precariously above my head right now!
and i'm 25 too but still need to remind myself how to be an "adult" at times!

Grace said...

What a great idea!! I'm going to go home tonight and hang up my own goals. Thanks Meg!!

Anonymous said...

I'm totally stealing this idea for my new apartment!

Anonymous said...

I'm totally stealing this idea for my new apartment!

Autumn @ Autumn All Along said...

I write it down and tell my friends about the goal...so not much unlike the way you did it :) That way I feel accountable.

my first giveaway :)

vintch said...

as a visual learner, this idea is absolute perfection to me. just beautiful, meg. oh, and your reading of the last post? brilliant.

a life of color said...

I love your goal banner idea!! I may just need to try it myself! Good luck to you!

Kate said...

I visualize my most important goals and take comfort in the fact that there is more than one way of getting there. Also, just knowing I am completely capable of making my life the way I want it to be. And so are you! Rock on Meg!

Anonymous said...

i never thought of writing my goals on a banner where i can see them everyday such a great idea, i just might steal it! i write them down on paper and post them on my wall but not as creative as this flag banner! i love it! i'm 22 going on 23 hoping to have one of my goals set and ready to go at 25 and that is save money too ;)

LV said...

I have a vision board that I look at to remind me of my goals. This makes it very real and motivates me to take action to make them a reality.


jenny said...

i think i may have to copy you. cause i need some motivation!!!!

Leighana said...

Thats a good idea! Im the type that needs to write them down too..

Unknown said...

Super cute idea, but take it from me, you will always with that you were better at saving money, making plans and bringing your dreams to fruition.

Jenni Austria Germany said...

awwww, one of them is "europe with jenni". i mean, i didn't *technically* see it but i'm pretty sure nonetheless.

Kaylia Payne said...

I think that's a great idea!! And 25 is so young and goals change so often as you grow.

The Lewicutt's said...

That's a really good idea!!! LOVE IT! I may have to create one. The money thing? Dave Ramsey. He changed our life, literally. We went from stressed about money, to not HAVING to look at our bank account, but looking anyway to marvel at our progress/success.

He's kind of the man. I have a small crush on him.

Ashlee said...

I made a 101 in 1,001 list! It is awesome, because you feel compelled to put little things on there, too. (You get 1,001 days to achieve 101 goals.) Too often, my 'Top 10' lists include things that require a lot of saving or a lot of time.


S said...

Lately I've realized that I've had too many goals, so I just cut down to two for this year: be awesome in school, and be in the best shape of my life. As long as I'm focused on those two as my main goals, I can work on smaller goals in the meantime as long as they don't take time/energy away from my two biggest goals. I'm the type to get all excited about a huge list of things I want to accomplish, and then get burned out when I realize I can make every change at once. So simplifying makes it feel much more feasible. :)

Tiffany said...

Great idea!! One of my friends made me a bunch of butterflies to hang on a tack board for Christmas--each one of them has one of my bucket list items on it. When I accomplish one, I take it off the board and put it into a little jar where I save them. The visual reminder is awesome!


Magatha-May said...

this is a great idea! I love it.

Courtney said...

oh yes. i am always doing goals. goals for the new year. goals for the summer. i sometimes post them on my blog, always write them in my journal, usually put them on the white board near my desk, but i very much like this idea of the banner. it's really cute. and a good constant reminder.

Cara-Mia said...

This is good! I'm twenty-six and still don't know how to be good with money. :(

kb said...

i LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea! have some of those little clothes pins and have been wondering what to do with them. thanks for sharing!