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i've been thinking a lot about this lately...

all changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another

anatole frances


Jay said...

straight to the heart of it :)

Anonymous said...

this is exactly how i've been feeling! love, love.

Paige @ Moxie & Marmalade said...

perfect for me right now. thanks

S said...

I just finished reading The Thirteenth Tale, and this reminds me of something one of the characters said:

"...my story--my own personal story--ended before my writing began. Storytelling has only ever been a way of filling in the time since everything finished."

I think that quotation has quite the melancholy tone to it, but I love the idea that in one lifetime, you can have multiple different 'lives' and the opportunity reinvent yourself.

Anonymous said...

I am going to use this! Thank you.

Shorty said...

So true.

nicole said...

bookmarking this one! i really enjoy reading your blog!!!

Ash said...

Hmm. Thank you.

Laura Marie said...

Mmm this one just hit me in my gut. One of those days, and the perfect quote to punctuate it.

Thanks, as always, for finding such wonderful truths to share :)

laura marie

Kaylia Payne said...

I saw that the other day and it definitely struck a chord. I absolutely love this quote :)

michal said...

oh, my heart.

Rachael said...

Wise words. And words that pretty much signify where I'm at in my life. The trouble is, it's hard to leave the 'old life' behind.

Anonymous said...

so pretty much like everyone else - this quote is so perfect for me right now. thanks for sharing!

Dee Paulino said...

I so needed this today.
Thanks for sharing!

Ramona said...

I guess in order to grow we need to cut off some things to become more the person we are supposed to be! But like a plant we become more beautiful and ourselves! I guess it is all a process! Thanks for sharing!

Jenni Austria Germany said...

i should have read this when i was moving from salzburg/crying every second of the day/screaming "i hate chaaaaange."

Jenni Austria Germany said...

translation: i can relate. :)

Taylor said...

are you feeling like that, these days?

vintch said...

perfect and so true. sometimes the hardest of change brings the most beautiful beginnings. thanks for sharing this today, meg:)

Millar said...

Meg! You're killing me! Have I told you how much I love "Fed?" I totally referred to you on my blog....everyone needs to read what you're writing.

Thank you for being an inspiration!


Mackenzie said...

oh wow. this is perfect for me right now.
meg, oh meg. you do this everytime. thank you for guiding me with your quotes and writing. it gets me everytime :)

kate said...


Rachel said...

the dying, it's so terribly hard sometimes isn't it. it never seems to feel alright.

meg said...

It's a little frightening how accurately your quotes describe how I feel sometimes.

And... I love your blog!

Lily said...

so true. when it happened to me. it felt like a cleansing, but man was it ever rough to endure.

Anonymous said...

Yes its like the saying when one door closes another opens.
A bit sad in some ways but alos a relief!