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friday. how did we get here?

somehow this week got away from me. i chock it up to a few things: 1. another foot (at least) of snow pounding down on the city 2. the realization that these allergies keep my brain working at half-speed (if that)--i'm doing things now like washing my face with shampoo (painful. don't try) and 3. the slow ticking of things off of my life to-do list.

it is this last thing that keeps me going. reminds me why i've remained in this city. small steps, slow steps.

i'll announce the giveaway winner on monday. i can't thank you all enough for the kind and encouraging response. my heart swells at your kindness. and i owe you each a debt of gratitude for your goodness.

for now i leave you with my version of eye-candy... (and the promise {or hope} of some more interesting posts next week.

photo credit:
original sources  found here


christine said...

Snow allergies?!?!?! My sister is allergic to the cold, breaks out in big huge hives/water blisters when she gets too cold. Hopefully, yours clear up quickly. Stay warm.

Mackenzie said...

d'awwww i hope you feel better, meg. i can feel you with the coldness hindering those big plans. i always get sideswiped by the holidays and before i know it, it's spring and i have no idea what happened? life is silly that way.
but oh my, did i appreciate this eye candy for the day. love love the coffee/pot de creme?? photo. it's beyond lovely.


Jenni Austria Germany said...

shampoo?! yikes. love the photos.

B. said...

beautiful eye candy. i'm curious - what is on your life list?

valerie said...

hi pretty! if you are up for some alternative allergy treatments, i recommend acupuncture SO MUCH. i used to be allergic to everything + now i am allergic to NOTHING. blood tests prove it! magic. hope you're feeling better soon! xo

Laura Marie said...

It's totally just one of those weeks... winter is still clinging on, spring feels like years away, and January is still flaunting all of its coldest, sharpest assets.

So yes, yes, I understand & feel your pain & send you the happiest of thoughts to get you through this slush :)

Allison said...

ok i also have allergies at random times... :) try a Neti-Pot it may look gross and be gross for that matter but it works beyond belief! It's a nasal irrigation thing... google it. it's really cheap and really really effective, especially if you use it regularly. i was on allergy prescription medicine and now i'm not. it helps when you are already stuffed up and helps to prevent you from getting that way. hope you feel better!

Katie in Colors said...

I have crazy allergies, so I feel ya...

gorgeous eye candy =)

Dee Paulino said...

beautiful photos. Get well soon, xo.

Shannon said...

Beautiful images Meg. Have a lovely weekend!

Alex said...

Feel better!! And hopefully that pesky snow will quit dumping down on you.

Kate said...

these pictures are lovely! feel better!

...like a rolling stone. said...

how on EARTH did i miss the giveaway. sigh. man. next time.
and yes, friday, how is it friday already? hope you have a rad weekend. love the eye-candy, especially the second to last one. beautiful. xo.

Room 209 said...

Love the pictures! Maybe this weekend will magically bring you relief and come Monday you'll find yourself sick no more! :)

Jordan said...

Hi Meg,

Tonight, as my husband sat next to me playing video games, I read aloud The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. So far, I'm enraptured by this story and have read three quarters into it. My husband's a big history buff (particularly concerning WWII), so he's been helping me with some of my pronunciation of names and places. Anyway, just wanted to say a little hello and let you know I'm really enjoying this first book you've chosen for our Book Club.

Have a great weekend and stay warm!


p.s. The other day it snowed AND there was lightning and thunder! Did you know such a thing could happen?!

Anonymous said...

is that bloke walking on water in # 2

Claire Kiefer said...

I gotta say, I've been hearing all about the New York snow and I am one jealous girl! I am sure that it can be overwhelming, but here in San Francisco we obviously don't get any snow, so I regularly dream of white days in December and January. It's just so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Great Photos !

Arvind K.Pandey


