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May your Thanksgiving be absolutely magical.

Yesterday, cousin Brian, found this magic wand in a store on the Pearl Street Mall in Boulder. It cost almost 300 dollars.

As for my Thanksgiving words of wisdom...be patient. I'm gonna remember this as I head off now for the family hike in Estes Park. And when I say family I mean...my mother, father, brother, Aunt Patty, Uncle Bill, cousin Brian, Cousin Kevin, Aunt Patty, and my other Uncle Bill. Oh yeah....and Ralph, Squiggy, Finn, and Oliver (they're the dogs).


shill said...

happy thanksgiving love!!! have a wonderful time ;)

naomi megan. said...

hope your thanksgiving was wonderful, girl!!

lets get all the ladies together for a little lunch this upcoming week, yes?

i leave the following tuesday for the holidays so we must play this next week!!!! :) :)

can't wait to hear how your weekend was...

meg fee said...

yes, yes, yes, please--lets. I can't wait to hear about your travels.